ARP 288 4701 Polaris 900cc an 1000cc Razor Head Stud Kit provides the highest quality clamping force available for cylinder head retention to minimize head gasket failures.
A blown head gasket on your Polaris RZR will cause you to endure costly repairs. The stock cylinder head bolts from the factory are not designed for increased power levels in the motor. These OEM head bolts are prone to stripping and backing out.
The ARP 288-4701 head stud kit applications:
ARP 288-4701 Polaris Razor Head Stud Kit head stud attributes:
The Polaris RZR Cylinder Head Stud Kit contains:
You won't find a superior quality head stud on the market from any other source. Look for ARP stamped on each stud as your assurance of quality. Automotive Racing Products manufacturers the best Polaris Head Stud Kit for your UTV that is available. The ARP studs are used by professional engine builders in all forms of racing.