Fra: RRS

Driver Gloves FIA RRS Virage 2 (External Seams) Blue / White

921,25 DKK  m/Moms
( 737,00 DKK  u/Moms )

RRS created Virage2 FIA gloves to increase efficiency of your driving skills and experience.

Model/varenr.: 308-014


Essential element of the pilot, the glove has to fit perfectly into the hand in order to transmit all the lifts of the steering wheel without affecting comfort. So we created the glove RRS Virage in order to make you efficient and comfortable steering.

The seams External : This easy to understand process makes it possible not to feel discomfort seams inside the glove.

The inserts polyurethane: Placed so studied, provide perfect grip.

Cup adjusted : The glove fits perfectly hand

Approved FIA8856-2000:

What is the standard FIA 8856-2000?

This standard defines the technical performance requirements and clothing design parameters to be worn by motor sport practitioners. These garments must have a mass of 180gr / m² minimum and are subject to many technical tests. Basically, your garment is subjected to contact with a flame for a period of 11 seconds. once the flame stopped, the garment should not burn or break. Eleven seconds may seem inadequate, but stop reading this text and count to 11 by imagining you trapped in the flames. This time does not seem like an eternity in these conditions? The 11 seconds can be crucial to extract you from this situation!

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