Ingen resultater fundet
Den største wastegate i TiAL's program. Denne store 60mm kontrollere dit ladetryk med usandsynlig stor præcision. V60'eren er en klar favorit blandt verdens racing team, ligefra dragracing til langsiden på Circuit de la Sarthe
Klassisk 38mm wastegate med 2-bolt flanger. Gennemtestet design der stadig den dag idag er et skudsikkert valg!
Wastegaten der startede det hele. Denne wastegate blev udviklet som en direkte erstatning af den orginale på en Porsche 930.
Denne 50mm TiAL Q, er den højest flowende blowoff ventil der er på markedet.
Clamp til indgang
Weld flange Aluminum.
Weld flange stainless.
QRJ Stainless Steel Weld Flange
QR er baseret på performance BOV'en, Q, denne er blot lavet om så den er recirkulerende.
Fjedre til TiAL's Q bov
TiAL's MV-S is equipped with the racing valve stem.
Ring for pris+45 25 15 32 90
MV-S-AR er specikt lavet til ekstrem motorsport hvor vandkøling ikke er muligt.. 38mm wastegate der kan styre ladetrykket med stor præcision under alle forhold. Brugt i blandt andet WRC
The F41 bridges the gap between the 38mm and 44mm units. It has a unique 4 bolt design that is backwards compatible with the old TiAL F40 wastegate. This is the perfect wastegate for those that need a bit better diaphragm to valve ratio over the 44mm. The F41 is no longer in production, after the current stock is depleted no more will be made.
The largest unit in the TiAL lineup. This massive 60mm wastegate will control boost with dead on accuracy in the most demanding situations. The V60D is a favorite in the drag racing and road racing industries, from the burnout box to the finishing line at Circuit de la Sarthe
The largest unit in the TiAL lineup. This massive 60mm wastegate will control boost with dead on accuracy in the most demanding situations. The V50 is a favorite in the drag racing and road racing industries, from the burnout box to the finishing line at Circuit de la Sarthe
New for 2014 - The TIAL QRJ is our latest boost control valve. Designed with the needs of high performance recirculating systems in mind. The QRJ features a new body design, compact installation envelope, high-flow capacity, and configurable inlet and outlet ports.
QRJ Diffuser Outlet Flg.
QRJ 29mm Tube Flange.
QRJ 1.0" Tube Flange.
QRJ 1.34" 34mm Tube Flange.
QRJ 1.5" Tube Flange.
QRJ to Q & QR V-Band Flange.
QRJ 1.5" V-Band Inlet Flange.
QRJ Clamp Assembly.
QRJ WFAL 1.5 Clamp Kit.
QRJWFSS 1.5 clamp kit.
GT30 .62 A/R non-water cooled internally wastegated.
GT30 .62 A/R water jacketed internally wastegated.
GT35 .62 A/R IWG.
GT28 .62 A/R water cooled IWG.
VBF350M - flange for internally wastegated GT28/30/35
VC-405 Clamp for internally wastegated GT28/30/35
V0137159M-0364-S6 OUTLET CLAMP 99759-0364
V0137159M-0390-S6 INLET CLAMP 99759-0390.